last kilometer造句
- I understood it was no problem in the last kilometer ."
- All I need is perfect positioning in the last kilometer,
- The last kilometer is going to be quite hard ."
- You don't mess with Marty in the last kilometer ."
- I understood it was no problem in the last kilometer.
- It's difficult to find last kilometer in a sentence. 用last kilometer造句挺难的
- It was great to be next to Pantani in the last kilometers,
- He feared immediately that he had run his last kilometer.
- The last kilometer needs to trekked in order to reach the falls.
- That last kilometer, mostly uphill, was tough.
- The sprint was really hard because everybody sped up in the last kilometer,
- Finally in the last kilometer, Kiprotich was able to make a gap.
- But in the last kilometer, I knew I couldn't pass Armstrong.
- He is very fast the last kilometer,
- Until the last kilometers or two, it appeared to be Loroupe's day.
- It was an agonizing last kilometer, with the group chasing me and getting closer.
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